Heritage Bathrooms

Heritage Bathrooms is a UK company that specialises in creating unique bathroom products by blending traditional design with modern functionality. It is known for its exceptional craftsmanship, quality materials, and dedication to producing innovative designs. The company’s high-quality raw material, Cornish clay, also known as “Kaolin,” produces a durable product that lasts for a long time.

Heritage Bathrooms offers a wide range of bathroom products, including sanitaryware, bathroom furniture, brassware, and heated rails. Their design and style appeal to customers who enjoy traditional style with a touch of modern innovation. Their products are also popular in the luxury and high-end markets.

Over the years, The Bathroom Company has built a strong working relationship with this brand. Their products are popular with our customers. We are pleased to display their products in our Edinburgh showroom and Perth showroom. We will be pleased to talk you through the range during your visit.

Visit Heritage Bathrooms Website